Saturday, January 17, 2009


I feel that I can learn a lot about someone by what quotes they identify with. Is it unfair to just agree with someone who said it better then I could? There are so many things you could learn about me, my dear reader, so many things I would want to say if I let myself. I think about it a lot actually, I hear something that resonates so strongly within me I wish I could just take it with me everywhere I go. Get a little name tag with it on there. Would you know more or less then if it just said: "Adam"? What if I started using them here? Does it even matter? Am I the only one seeing these words? Would it be wrong to clutter up my little corner of the internet? I already do with these wondering thoughts.

Someone weighed the internet once. It seems like a crazy waste of time on the surface. However I appreciate the efforts someone put into something so daft, because they came up with a unexpected and charming answer, one I quite like: 0.2 millionths of an ounce. All that information, every last thing you wanted to know, and plenty that you didn't, in "...the smallest possible sand grain, one measuring just two-­thousandths of an inch across." I think there's room for it. Yet something holds me back. It just feels weird. Maybe what ever it is that certain words find inside of me is just to intangible to reveal in the harsh black and white. Maybe I'm just embarrassed because it feels like cheating. Just cut and paste someone else's work and claiming some right to it. A right that I don't have.

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